Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Luau Prep, day 2

 Luau Games:
Tacky Tourist Relay:  We have been playing this for years.  It is my favorite and I am sure most people have tried it in one version or another. 
Break the group in to teams, I do 3 teams.  Have each team select a captain.  The captain becomes the tourist.  Have him or her move to one end of the playing field then have the rest of the players move to the other end where you have the supplies waiting.  Game play works like a relay.  First team member runs to the tourist and puts item on then runs back to tag next team member who runs with next item.  First team to have their tourist dressed wins.  You can add challenge to the game by knotting the bikini top, getting tiny sunglasses, and starting with flat inner tubes.  All Items are available at the dollar store.
Supplies (one for each team):
Hat, Sunglasses/ goggles, Lei, Bikini top, Inner tube/arm floaties, Grass skirt, Flip flops

Hot Coconut:
This is just like hot potato but with a coconut so that it ties into our theme.  It is a hit with the little brothers and sisters, the 2-5 year olds. 
Musical Beach Blanket:
This is just musical chairs but we use beach towels. It is much easier to move a towel out of the way and it ties into our theme. 
Sponge Relay:
This is another relay but the boys love it. 
Break into 2 teams.  Choose one captain from each team.  Captains are seated in chairs covered with a piece of plastic and given a large pitcher to hold on their head.  Remaining players are at the other end of the yard with a large bucket and large sponges. (I cut the car washing ones in half)  Players fill sponges with water then run to the other end of the yard and empty into the pitchers.  First team to fill line wins.  Pitchers and sponges are available at the dollar store.
 Boogie Board Race:
They really aren't boogie boards, they are kiddie kick boards from the dollar store.  The game is a little easier if you leave them wrapped in plastic
Everyone loves the limbo.  We just covered a broom handle with wrapping paper and tied ribbons to the end.
Red Light/Green Light:
We like to do this one for the little kids , 2-5 year olds.

There are a lot of games but they go fast and I like to keep the kids busy the entire time. 
We take punch breaks and in the middle of the party we will pause and serve cake and open presents.    

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